Seattle Public 学校


Early Entrance to 幼儿园

Early Entrance to 幼儿园 (EEK) 2024-25

What is Early Entrance to 幼儿园?


华盛顿州和十大正规网赌软件要求秋季入学的学生在入学年度的8月31日午夜之前满5岁. 这个过程适用于5岁生日在2024年9月1日至10月31日之间的孩子. 

Early Entrance to 幼儿园 2024 now CLOSED

For more Information about EEK review the FAQs

What you should know about Early Entrance
to 幼儿园 (EEK) 2024

请注意: EEK is not a placement process for Advanced Learning

资格. 只有学生 currently enrolled in grades 1-8 can be evaluated for advanced learning.

SPS仔细考虑每个学生在K-12经历中的成功. 作为班上最年轻的学生,早期开始他们的教育之旅的学生可能会遇到额外的挑战. Because of this, we only accept about 10% of students who apply into EEK. Those who are accepted are well above average in all areas of development. 

Before continuing, please go to the WaKIDS链接 describing state expectations for kindergarten readiness.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is eligible to participate in early entrance evaluation in the spring?


5岁生日在9月1日至10月31日之间的孩子,只要符合严格的入学审查要求,就可以进入幼儿园. These are rare exceptions.

为了确保你的孩子更有可能在学校度过一个美好的第一年, 他们将被要求在所有评估领域达到比他们年龄至少高6个月的标准.

Before continuing, please go to the WAKids link describing state expectations for kindergarten readiness.

How should I decide whether to apply for early entrance to kindergarten?

“Readiness” is exhibited socially, emotionally, physically and academically. 当父母决定让他们的孩子进行EEK评估时,了解这些因素同样重要. 家长应该把这些因素作为潜在的挫折风险考虑在内, 尴尬, 这些最年轻的学生在整个学年中,失败感大大增加.

Since the development of self-esteem is an important goal for all students, setting them up to be successful should be of foremost concern. Research findings point out that, on a national level, 在任何一个班级里,年龄最小的学生在几乎所有领域的表现都低于他们的同学.

请注意: 强烈建议您保留2024-25学年的学前班或日托计划,直到您收到最终的资格通知.

Before continuing, please go to the WAKids link describing state expectations for kindergarten readiness.


步骤1: Screening evaluation for all applicants

所有申请人都将通过在线社交情感技能量表进行评估. 这个过程可以帮助我们确定一个孩子是否具备在幼儿园课堂上取得成功所必需的发展技能. 在线筛选表格将由家长和幼儿园老师共同填写, caregiver or other non-family adult.

Outcomes of the Social Emotional Screener

一个多学科选拔委员会将审查每个学生的筛选表格, 之后,极少数学生将被要求进行面对面的校本评估. 评估结果将在评估后一周左右通过电子邮件发送给家长. If there is no email address, results will be sent by US Postal Service. The notification will have one of the following possible outcomes:

  • 该学生没有表现出必要的准备技能,因此没有资格提前进入幼儿园; or
  • 该学生确实展示了所需的准备技能,并有资格进行面对面的校本观察.
  • 有 没有上诉 of the screening evaluation results.

步骤2: In-Person Evaluation

幼儿园老师将通过观察每个孩子在课堂环境中的社交和情感互动来评估接受面对面评估的小组. 教师还将在这个时候完成对每个孩子的学业准备技能的基本检查.

Outcomes of In-Person Evaluation

评估结果将于评估后约7-10天寄给家长. 多学科选拔委员会将确定最合格的申请人. The notification will have one of the following possible outcomes:

  • 该学生没有表现出必要的准备技能,因此没有资格提前进入幼儿园, or
  • 这名学生确实表现出了必要的准备技能,并将被推荐在幼儿园进行为期四周的试用期, beginning at the start of the 2024-25 school year. 是否继续在幼稚园就读由校长决定.


How do I apply for an early entrance to kindergarten evaluation for my child?

步骤1 : Complete the Application and pay Processing Fees*

Complete the application and pay processing fee. 提前入场放映的处理费为65美元,另加在线支付的交易费. For families that qualify for reduced fee based on family income, the processing fee is reduced to $15.00 (see table within application for qualifying criteria). Payment can be made through a link in the online application.

If your child moves on to in-person evaluation, there will be an additional $75 fee, plus transaction fee ($20.在评估前收取的00美元(符合减免费用资格的学生)可以安排.

* 请注意: All fees are nonrefundable and nontransferable.

步骤2 : Submit Application within the EEK window: March 1 – 21, 2024


What if my child doesn’t meet Early Entrance requirements, 我不相信这个决定代表了我孩子的幼儿园准备能力?

There is no appealing the initial screening decision. 如果你的学生继续进行面对面的评估,并且没有达到提前入学的要求, you may appeal the decision to the Multidisciplinary Selection Committee. First, submit a letter informing us of your intention to appeal. 然后, compile compelling, written evidence of your child’s academic skills, language development, physical coordination, and social maturity.

在2024年5月21日前将所有文件打包邮寄到高级学习办公室. These appeals will be considered and resolved by May 28, 2024.

所有申诉和支持性评估信息必须在周三下午4点之前由高级学习办公室收到, 5月21日, 2024 for consideration.

Early Entrance to 幼儿园 – Key Dates

  • Application Opens: March 1, 2024
  • Application Deadline: March 21, 2024
  • Online Screening decision notifications: Early April 2024
    注意: 没有上诉 of the initial screening results
  • In-Person Evaluations: May 4, 2024

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